Vini Infinity offers Mail Server Solution just like hotmail or yahoo mail. Mail Server is a cluster of Multiple Servers scalable to hundreds of servers, terabytes of storage space and be able to host millions of email accounts.
Our email system has built-in Anti-virus feature, it will filter the infected email and it will then acknowledge the sender regarding the infected email and ask him/her to check his/her computer. This way safeguard you against the damages caused by the virus which otherwise can play havoc with the data on your systems.
We can offer you any number of email ids.
Key Features:
Web based Interface for Mail receiving and sending
Every user can add an auto-responder, forwarding, aliasing to his Email Id on his own thus avoiding the burden on the administrator
Each user will get 5, 10, 20 or 50 MB space per POP Email ID as per package
One can forward his mails to multiple email ids within and outside his domain to multiple domains
One can specify catch all account
The incoming and outgoing SMTP server will be ''